Notice on NFT's June Dividend Distribution
Dear BEE users,
Greetings! BEECapital NFT 1st (June) dividend has gone through [Data Collection - Data Processing - Data Reviewing - Risk Control Review - Full Public Announcement] and now the dividend rewards for Bumblebee NFT, Queen Bee NFT, Knight Bee NFT, and Hash Bee NFT have now been distributed, please login to your wallet to check the dividend rewards.
BumbleBee NFT total: 58; Dividend Pool: 110,128.95 BEE; Max per Wallet Claimable: 3926.15 BEE; Actual Amount Distributed Total: 117,588.0 BEE; Unclaimed part and ineligible part of BEE due to insufficient average position: 110,128.95 BEE (will be burned).
QueenBee NFT total:453; Dividend Pool:45,543.40 BEE;Max per Wallet Claimable: 100.53 BEE; Actual Amount Distributed Total: 9,826.69 BEE; Unclaimed part and ineligible part of BEE due to insufficient average position: 35,716.71 BEE (will be burned).
KnightBee NFT total: 45; Dividend Pool: 22,771.70 BEE; each single Knight Bee NFT can share 506.03 BEE.
HashBee NFT total: 60; Dividend Pool: 22,771.70 BEE; each single HashBee NFT can share 379.52 BEE.
For more details please visit: June 20th Bee NFT holders Dividend Share Public Viewing
The next dividend distribution is expected to take place on 20 July, with a snapshot cycle of 21 June - 20 July
Snapshot time: Random snapshot daily [00:00:00 - 23:59:59 (UTC+4)
Note: Unclaimed part and ineligible part of BEE due to insufficient average position will be burned this Friday, June 24th.
Thank you for your support of BEECapital! Let's dig into the primary market together!
BEE Capital Team
June 22, 2022
Last updated